Admin and Monitoring

Shift Roles Explained (for Admins)
If a Cortex organisation is using Shift Roles then users will be presented with a view on every login allowing them to add or remove Shift Roles tagged to t...
Sun, 2 Apr, 2023 at 2:10 PM
Building Emergency Call Codes
If you have the correct permissions then you can login to the Cortex Admin and build an Emergency Call Code Start by clicking on "Emergency Call Co...
Thu, 31 Mar, 2022 at 2:16 PM
Triggering an Emergency Call
The emergency call view allows for visibility of live calls and instigating a new call. To instead a new call, click the "New" button in the t...
Sun, 2 Apr, 2023 at 2:10 PM
Cancelling an Emergency Call
There may be times where a Emergency Call is no longer required and there is value in notifying clinicians that the call is cancelled.  To cancel a call...
Fri, 1 Apr, 2022 at 9:27 AM
Adding an Additional User to an Emergency Call
Once a call is sent out, admins can click back into the call off the Emergency Calls dashboard view. This then allows for additional clinicians to be added ...
Tue, 12 Apr, 2022 at 2:10 PM
Monitoring Emergency Calls - Dashboard
One an Emergency Call has been triggered it will appear as a Live Call in the Emergency Calls view. Calls remain visible  for 72 hours post triggering. The ...
Sun, 2 Apr, 2023 at 2:12 PM
Monitoring Emergency Calls - Individual Call
During a call, an admin can click into the call and action or monitor the call in real time.  The various possible badges and their step status are as f...
Sun, 2 Apr, 2023 at 2:12 PM
Unfilled Mandatory Shift Roles
The majority of Request shift roles are likely to be deemed mandatory by an organisation - i.e. they must be filled.  If a mandatory shift role is deeme...
Thu, 31 Mar, 2022 at 2:25 PM