If a Cortex organisation is using Shift Roles then users will be presented with a view on every login allowing them to add or remove Shift Roles tagged to their profile. 

Shift Roles have the following characteristics

  • Organisation defined name i.e. Surgical Registrar On Call
  • User defined expiry time
  • Can have either no defined user, 1 user or > 1  user tagged to the role
  • Can be requested or notified in an emergency call code
  • Can be optional or mandatory

A Shift Role always has an expiry time which has a minimum duration of 30 min and no limit on an end point. This allows for users to have shift roles that may encompass an entire rotation or even a full calendar year. 

Shift roles may be designated as "Mandatory" by an organisation. In this scenario, the Emergency Calls view will highlight any mandatory unfilled Shift Roles to ensure appropriate escalation.