One an Emergency Call has been triggered it will appear as a Live Call in the Emergency Calls view. Calls remain visible  for 72 hours post triggering. The Dashboard also shows the status of Mandatory Shift Roles.

Each listed call has a status indicator which provides information to Emergency Call admins. These will show a badge indicating a pending status, escalation required, action required, finished or cancelled call.

Pending Calls

This badge is a count of incomplete vs completed steps and increments as users respond in the Cortex application.


If the call code requires manual steps to be actioned or escalation is required (see below) then the pending status badge is replaced appropriately.

Escalation Required

If the call's run sheet has steps which require escalation then the "Escalation Required" badge will show.

Clicking into the call allows the escalation step to be reviewed and marked as completed. 

If no responses are received within 3 min then this badge will also show.

Action Required

If a run sheet contains manual steps that have not yet been acknowledged then this badge will show.

Finished Calls

If the following criteria are met then a call will be marked as finished.

- All Requested steps have at least 1 clinicians who has responded

- All escalations (if required) have been actioned

- All manual steps (if required) have been actioned

Cancelled Calls

If a call is cancelled then the cancelled  badge will show.