It can be useful to look for a specific term within Cortex notes.  This is possible using the Cortex web timeline view


Follow the following steps

Step 1: Access the Cortex web view and click the black 'export' icon in the bottom right corner

  • This web view is accessible at or as in the Cortex tab in HCS.
  • If accessing via, click 'Patients' in the left side menu, then search for the relevant NHI.  Then click 'Timeline' (which will give you the screen shown below).  This is the same view as through the Cortex tab in HCS.
  • Click the black 'export' icon in the bottom right corner
  • If you do not see the black 'export' icon, please contact your Support Desk and request if you can be provided with the 'Patient Record Export' Access Role

Step 2: Choose the types of Cortex workflows and date range that you would like to search

  • Click on 'Dates' to choose the appropriate start and end dates
  • Use the checkboxes to select the types of workflows/documents to be included

Step 3: Choose 'View in new tab', and then use command-F to search for a term

  • This will open an html view of the documents, and does not download anything to the computer
  • This view can then be searched for specific terms

Step 4: Close the tab when searching is complete