This release of Cortex has a number of new features which further enhance the scope of care coordination the solution provides.


The first major new enhancement is a dedicated Cortex widget. In this first iteration, it allows a glanceable view of whether you are signed in or signed out - we've got some cool ideas for the future to make this even better.

To add the Cortex widget to your iPhone or iPad home screen long press on the screen, press the plus button in the top left then scroll down to find the widget.

FaceID/Touch ID

This new version of Cortex allows users with iOS biometrics, i.e. FaceID/Touch ID, to login as quickly and easily as possible, all while retaining the very best data security and encryption available on a mobile device. FaceID/TouchID login is available for personally owned/setup devices at organisations that use AzureAD login

Further enhancements and improvements

All Cortex Organisations

  • Refreshed login visual experience
  • Login status home screen Widget
  • FaceID/TouchID enabled for quick login on non-supervised devices (Requires organisation to be utilising AzureAD login)

Cortex Tasking/Documentation Organisations

  • Deep navigation - tapping on the patient header while in task or notification view then shows the patient timeline.  This makes accessing patient notes to complete tasks much faster and easier.
  • Group tasks filters - Group tasks can be viewed by location or priority
  • Patient age visible on all screens
  • Ability to add visibility re organisation-specific advice on how to manage tasks of different urgency
  • Bug-fix related to task delegation to a group
  • ‘New Infectious Diseases result notifications’ temporarily changed to ‘New COVID-19 results notifications’

Cortex Emergency Notiications Organisations 

  • Changes to shift role selection and editing workflow
  • Shift roles expiry now optional
  • Bug fix re display of archived shift roles