If an Emergency Call is triggered, then just like if you were holding a pager you'll get a notification on your phone. 

Then nature of the notification will depend on any shift roles you have, any groups you're a member of, or if you've been added as a specific additional clinician for the emergency. 

Requested Clincians

If you shift role has been tagged as "Requested" or you've been added as an "Additional User" then regardless of whether your phone is on silent or Do not Disturb, you'll get a loud notification that you're required to attend the emergency. 

There are only 3 scenarios where your device won't notify you 

  1. It's turned off or out of battery
  2. You have no network coverage
  3. You've manually signed out of Cortex

Notified Clinicians 

An Emergency Call's run sheet may define a shift role or group of clinicians as needing notification that an emergency is occurring. In this scenario you will receive a notification (if your phone is not on silent mode or do not disturb) however there is no requirement to respond within Cortex.