As a clinician you may have specific roles for a shift that are important for patient care delivery. For example, "On-Call Surgical House Officer" or "Cardiothoracic Registrar" 

In an emergency situation, your organisation may require you to attend specific emergencies acutely. This is where your shift role becomes important.

If your organisation is utilising Cortex Emergency Notifications then each time you sign into Cortex you're presented with a view that lets you add a shift role or review your current roles. 

Adding a Shift Role

Adding a new role is as simple as tapping the "Add" button

Then choosing the role,

Thats it! You'll now be linked to that shift role until you either remove it, or manually sign out of Cortex.

Once you've added a shift role, you can optionally set an expiry or remove the shift role. This is done by simply tapping the cog icon on the right hand side of the role name.

Setting an expiry will automatically remove the role at the end of the expiry time. 

You'll then see have a view of your selected roles and their expiry times.

Tap "Done" to then open the main Emergency notifications screen.

Shift Role Rules


  • you are signed into Cortex  

  • you have a active shift role i.e hasn't expired, and 
  • that role has been linked to a specific emergency call

you'll receive a notification whenever the emergency call is triggered by your telephonists or operations centre.