Will I get a notification if my phone is on silent or do not disturb?

Yes. If you've got an active shift role that is "Requested" and you haven't signed out of Cortex manually.

If I sign out of Cortex will I still get emergency notifications?

No. But if you sign back in and your either have a non-expiring shift role or any expiring shift roles are still active then hasn't you'll be notified if a call is triggered that targets that shift role.

What happens if my phone runs out of battery?

Just like a pager running out of battery, you won't get notified. But if you grab another phone and sign into Cortex you'll be available again

Do I need to be on wifi to get emergency calls?

No. Cortex works on wifi or 4G. 

Can more than one person have a shift role at one time?

Yes! Shift roles can be covered by more than one clinician at a time. Any and all clinicians who are signed up to the shift role will get notified. This allows for cross cover situations or temporary "holding the page"

What happens if no-one is signed into a shift role?

That depends. If the role has been deemed "mandatory" then an admin in your organisation will be notified that the role is unfilled and an escalation process will be triggered to ensure someone signs into the role.

What happens if I don't acknowledge an emergency call?

If you have a shift role that has been requested in a call then you have a set amount of time to respond in the Cortex app. If you don't respond then an admin will have instructions on how to escalate the call request to ensure an appropriate clinician attends the emergency.

What are groups?

Your organisation might have designated some clinician groups as targets for emergency calls. Your organisation business process will define these groups and if you should join the group. Unlike Shift Roles, Groups don't have an expiry time.