Form variants is a feature where upon choosing a workflow in Cortex, the clinician is presented with a list of subtypes, before getting to the form itself. This function is useful for managing several closely related workflows in a single form.
The completed workflow is added to the Cortex timeline with the variant name (e.g. Gen Surg CNS) followed by the workflow name (e.g. Senior Nurse Note). In the timeline this note will be shown as 'Gen Surg CNS - Senior Nurse Note"
To access variant creation in Designer, Tap the form header.
In the panel that appears to the right, next to variant, Tap the +, and edit the variants.
When applying visibility rules to components in the Cortex Designer, you will be able to use the variant options just created.
When the workflow is selected in Cortex, the clinician will first get presented with the choice of form variants.
In the Cortex timeline, the form will be named 'variant - form name'.
Clinical Examples and Tips
Form variants are useful:
- Where most of a form is similar between workflows.
- Where there is a desire to reduce the numbers of forms in Cortex.
- District Nurse wound care plan where the variants are the different possible wound locations (e.g. scalp, face, nose, R ear, etc).
- Departmental procedure form, where the information collected is similar but it is useful to see in the timeline which procedure was done (Paediatric procedure record with options of cannulation, phlebotomy, NG insertion, lumbar puncture, etc).