This article is for those with an Access Role as 'Forms Administrator', and whose role it is to deploy forms into live Cortex.

For clarity the following terms are used:

- Approved = a form version as been authorised for deployment by the relevant representative for that form Group (typically representing a department or service).  The act of approving a form is the responsibility of the Cortex representative for that Group (typically representing a department or service)

- Published = a form version which is now locked down in the Cortex Designer and not further editing is possible.  The act of publishing a form is typically the responsibility of someone in the Clinical Application Support Team, and can only be done if have an Access Role of 'Forms Adminstrator'

- Deployed = a published form has been associated with a workflow in the Cortex web admin, and so is available in Cortex for use

- Workflow = this is how forms are deployed in Cortex - a workflow is the combination of a form version with delivery methods and the information such as Parent and Tags.  The name of the workflow is typically the same as the name of the form.

In order to be deployed, a form first needs to be 'Approved' in the Cortex Designer app - this should be done by the person who has the authority to Approve forms from within their Cortex Designer Group.

Second, a 'Request for Form Deployment to Cortex' form needs to have been submitted (this is usually an online form), which will include key governance information

New form version for existing workflow

To deploy a new version of form for a currently existing workflow, follow this process:

  1. Check that the 'Request for Form Deployment to Cortex' form has been completed correctly and has all the necessary information
  2. In Cortex Designer, find the form for deployment in the appropriate group under 'Approved', and tap the form name
  3. From the menu in the top right, choose 'Publish
  4. Log in to the Cortex web admin and choose workflows
  5. Find the workflow that matches the form for deployment, and choose 'edit'
  6. Select the new published version of the form to be used in this work and associate with the workflow, and save
  7. The form is now deployed in Cortex.  Change the status in the Cortex forms database to 'Deployed'

First version of a form with a new Cortex workflow

in the testing process for a completely new workflow, the form should have been thoroughly tested and have undergone a technical review by an experienced Cortex Designer. 

  1. Check that the 'Request for Form Deployment to Cortex' form has been completed correctly and has all the necessary information
  2. In Cortex Designer, find the form for deployment in the appropriate group under 'Approved', and tap the form name
  3. From the menu in the top right, choose 'Publish
  4. Log in to the Cortex web admin and choose workflows
  5. Click 'New' in the top right corner
  6. Add the name of the workflow - this should be the same as the form name in the Designer
  7. Choose the appropriate 'type' of workflow and 'Parent'.  The 'Parent is the broad category of workflow, and this is visible in the timeline
  8. Check 'visible in list'
  9. The tag is what dictates which filters the note will appear under.  Enter the appropriate tags separated by a space (if multiple)
  10. Select the departments that the workflow is relevant to
  11. Select the matching v1 form which should be visible in the list
  12. Select the appropriate delivery options for the workflow.  For multiple delivery options, use the command key.

Confirmation of deployment

At the conclusion of the form deployment episode, It is good practice to email form authors and approvers to let them know the forms have been deployed