Teams in Cortex correspond to the Attending Clinician for an inpatient visit. A patient may only be associated with one team at a time.

Generally a patient's team will be automatically managed by an Admission, Discharge, Transfers feed (ADT) from the organisations patient management system.

The teams view will show a paginated list of teams, here you can search for a team. This search will search against the team name.

Creating a Team

To create a new team, click the "New" button on the right hand side.

Fill out the appropriate information:

NameThe name of the team, as it will be displayed in the Cortex application.
DepartmentThe department that this team belongs to.
ArchivedIf checked, an archived team is not visible for users to follow in Cortex.
HL7 Mapping RulesThe mapping rules are used by the Cortex ADT Processor to assign patients to this team. Mapping rules MUST be mutually exclusive across all teams, as a patient may only be associated with one team at a time in Cortex.

The admin interface allows simple configuration to create rules to match data in the PV1 segment's Attending Doctor field (PV1.7). It allows for matching against two identifiers per team, in the event there are systems where multiple types of identifier are included in the ADT feed, and a match against one or the other is required.

Not all fields need to be filled out, any left blank will result in a simplified rule when it is saved.

On saving, the rule will be validated against every other team mapping rule to ensure that it is unique.

For an example of adding a team at CDHB, see here

Editing a Team

To edit a team, first search for the team from the teams list.

Click the appropriate team name. 

Click the "Edit" button on the right hand side.

Update the properties of the user as required and select "Save". 

Disabling a Team

Teams can not be deleted once created. In order to prevent them showing in Cortex, a team should be archived.

To archive a team, search for the user from the teams list.

Click the appropriate team name.

Click the "Edit" button on the right hand side.

Make sure "Archived" is checked.

Click "Save".