This page is for CDHB Cortex form builders and has the following components:

- Cortex form building and release process

- Cortex lab forms

- Schedule of estimated form release date

- Form for requesting deployment of a Cortex form



Cortex form building and release process

  1. Cortex forms should be developed collaboratively including other clinicians who may complete the form, and those who may utilise the information in the form such as those reading the clinical note or receiving the order.  Role playing is a useful way to test forms.
  2. Early liaison with experienced Cortex form builders is recommended
  3. The form will need to be authorised by the appropriate departmental representative
  4. Once the form is complete from a clinical perspective, please quality check the form.  In the Cortex Designer app, choose 'Begin Review' from the menu.  Instructions here.
  5. Once the review has been completed and any changes made, the form can be 'Approved' from the menu in Cortex Designer.  The approval should be done by the relevant representative.
  6. Then please submit a 'Request for Deployment using the form below.  For new forms, this process can take some weeks.  For revisions of current forms, it is important to detail changes made to guide the technical check.  Forms with minor changes can usually be published in the next release cycle.
  7. The approximate dates of release cycles are below
  8. It is important that you communicate to the relevant parties about the expected timing of new form releases.
  9. For urgent form updates (where clinical care is significantly affected by a form issue), please contact


Cortex Lab Forms

Forms that get received by the labs need to be approved by Canterbury Health Laboratories (CHL)

There is a template form that should be used as the basis for creating a departmental lab form.  Please note the following:

  • When presenting a list of test options, under 'Options Attributes', please select 'Checkbox' presentation mode, 'One column' layout, and have 'Hide unchecked options' as 'Yes'.  This makes the form compact for printing.
  • There is a panel at the bottom 'Phlebotomy and lab details' - this should just have two lines 'Sample taken at' and 'Sample taken by' without a gap between the line.  This should be viewable only for the viewer
  • Any codes used for tests need to be confirmed with CHL


Scheduled form release cycles

Please note that future form release dates are estimated only and may change.


Request deployment of a Cortex form


  • There is only one option for 'Status' = 'submission of form' - please choose this